Lifting and safety video library

Please note that the below published lifting and safety videos are for informational and educational purposes only.

In our videos we discuss common questions and answers like, who can inspect, test and tag lifting equipment ? how certain equipment is tested like concrete lift clutches and what sort of equipment is used in the testing of lifting equipment.


Absolute Lifting and Safety have been in business for 12 years today. In celebration of this milestone we have produced a new video for our clients and suppliers that have helped us grow over the years.
We understand our success relies on our continued partnership with our clients and suppliers and the great work that our staff continue to perform every day.
I am humbled and appreciative for all the support and look forward to continuing our great relationship for the next twelve years.

Mobile Wire Spooling & Tensioning Drums

Heavy duty tensioning drum stands along with large wire winder with a D.O.T engineering calibrated counter for spooling and measuring crane ropes with precision.

Vertical Test Tower Load Cells

Load cells with wireless 80 metre range in 5, 25 and 50 ton capacity which are all NATA calibrated for force measuring and weighing applications.

Counterweight Load Testing

Counterweights for true weight proof load testing of chain blocks and winches and weighing applications. 

HydraJaws Pull Testing

With our 145kN and 15kN hydrajaws pull testing units where we can perform onsite testing of various types’ of anchors, davit bases, pad eyes, threaded rods, lifting lugs and ferrules in concrete

Mobile Test Bed Truck

Our innovative custom design 120 tonne mobile test-bed truck is the largest in Queensland and capable of testing chain slings, concrete clutches and other lifting devices. Scheduled on site testing helps limit downtime and increases productivity for our customers.

Who Can Inspect, Test and Tag Lifting Equipment?

In this video we will cover some common questions and answers in relation to the inspection, Test and Tag of Lifting Equipment in Australia.

1. When do chain slings for lifting need inspected in Australia?
2. What happens if a chain sling failed during a lift?
3. What is a below the hook lifting device ?
4. Who can inspect, test and tag Lifting Equipment ?
5. How is Testing and tagging of heavy lifting equipment like chains and wire ropes achieved?
6. Is a visual inspection of Lifting and Safety equipment adeqaute for operational compliance ?

Pre-Cast concrete elements & tilt panel Concrete

In this video we will cover some common questions and answers in relation to the Test and Tag of Pre-Cast Concrete Elements and Tilt Panel Concrete.

1. What is the Australian Standard for Pre-Cast concrete elements ?
2. When do Pre-Cast concrete elements require testing?
3. Who can inspect and test Lifting Equipment like these concrete clutches ?
4. What defines a compentent person ?
5. What is used to test and tag heavy equipment used in the concrete industry like large chain slings, wire ropes, snatch blocks and concrete clutches ?

Absolute Lifting and Safety Logo

2/12 Hinkler Ct,
Brendale Brisbane QLD 4500
Phone: 07 3205 7000


Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs 6:30am - 4pm
Friday 6:30am - 3pm