Who can test and tag lifting equipment ?

Testing and Tagging of Lifting and Safety Equipment

Testing needs to be carried out by a competent person.

Who can Inspect Lifting Equipment?

All lifting equipment should be visually inspected by the operator prior to use where possible, in order to avoid workplace injuries and or to protect the equipment.  This does not however replace the need for regular inspections, testing and tagging that is required to be carried out by a competent person in alignment with the Australian Standards which stipulates how often test and tagging should be carried out.


Is visual inspection of Lifting Equipment all that is required ?

No, a visual inspection of lifting and safety equipment won’t always tell you if it’s safe under load. For example, if a chain fitting fails a load test due to permanent set deformation and the chain fitting was used in a heavy lift, it is likely it would fail and the result could be catastrophic.

Unless proof tested to validate the working load limit there is no way of knowing, if a chain or lifting device will fail.

As a result, regular inspections, testing and tagging lifting equipment are required to be carried out by a competent person in alignment with the Australian Standards.

How is a competent peson defined?

A person who has, through a combination of training, education, experience, acquired knowledge and skills enabling that person to correctly perform a specific task.

They must demonstrate the ability to carry out work outlined in the Australian Standards for the specific Lifting Equipment to be tested and tagged.

When should chain slings be inspected ?

In Australia, chain slings for lifting, should generally be inspected every six months, or more frequently if subjected to severe conditions, or usage.

If a chain sling failed during a lift to cause property damage, or worse still, injury or loss of life, and it has not been certified by a competent person with a current test tag attached, the ramifications will be devastating.

What is used for testing and tagging of heavy lifting equipment performed ?

Testing and tagging of heavy lifting equipment like chains and wire ropes, requires specialist apparatus like this 120 tonne mobile test bed truck.

Competent testing technicians, use calibrated equipment like the 120 tonne mobile test bed truck to test a range of lifting gear like slings, chains, shackles, clutches, component fittings and lifting devices.

There are also other industry mechanical testing facilities. In our testing lab you will find Test Towers, Hydra Jaws, and counter weights for load testing.

See more information and videos  in relation to :-

Test Towers , Hydra Jaws, Counter weights for load testing.

Testing and Tagging Lifting Equipment Register


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